Monday, April 25, 2011

Birth of the Ultra Chic Mama

Meet the love of my life! My adorable, sweet and energetic little munchkin!  He is the reason this project came about!  They say having babies will change your life.  True.  But there are some things that SHOULDN'T  Before I had my son, I vowed that I will never become a mom who loses herself and never wear makeup and never do this and never do that.  I can see all of you rolling your eyes already.  Well, reality hit and suddenly sleeping 2 hours seemed adequate and showering became a luxury!  I realized that there is nothing I wouldn't do for this little person that I just met 1 year go.  And yet, a year later, I also learned that the single most important thing a mommy can do is to take care of herself!  I am a firm believer that if you let yourself go on the outside, all else will slowly crumble on the inside.  That is where I came up with my blog slogan.  
"First comes fashion then comes babies."
Taking care of yourself means so many different things to each person.  Whatever it is, keep doing what you love PRE-baby!  For me, if you haven't already gathered from the blog finding ways to be fashionable and chic while running after a little toddler (ok usually a screaming toddler).  I look forward to sharing my fashion finds, experiences, faux pas with all of you and I invite you to join me as I chronicle my path down Ultra Chic Mama Lane!  

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